Nan Nan Resources Moving Towards to Sustainable Future in the Spirit of “Taken From the Community, Giving Back to Society”

In recent years, the international society and investment markets around the world have initiated discussions on sustainable development, which have derived different concepts and goals in hope of uniting all local effort to promote global sustainable development. Nan Nan Resources Enterprise Limited ("Nan Nan Resources" or the "Group") understands the importance of sustainable development, continuously advances its ESG performance. Devoting its effort to reduce environmental burden, paying attention to the health of its employees, and adhering to the concept of ethical operation, Nan Nan Resources has laid a solid foundation for its low-carbon and green transition.

Lessening Environmental Burden Through Resource Intensification of Mineral Resources

Nan Nan Resources has mainly engaged in the mining and selling of coal resources, the emission of air pollutants and greenhouse gases is unavoidable. To minimize the environmental impact, not only does the Group strictly abide by various environmental laws and regulations but also formulate strict internal work policies, including the "Environmental Work Policy", "Climate Change Policy", etc., to monitor and manage the actual or potential impact, in order to practice the low-carbon concept in daily operations. Nan Nan Resources also adopts low-polluting operating equipment and regularly inspects and replaces aging components in equipment that caused increasing pollutants or greenhouse gas emissions.

Due to the characteristics of the natural environment in the mining site, having an annual rainfallof around 200 milliliters and reduced water storage capacity of soil have resulted in insufficient waterand thereby increased the probability of sandstorms. To mitigate environmental problems such as soil erosion and groundwater pollution caused by mining coal resources, Nan Nan Resources regularly arranges special personnel to conduct inspections ensuring various emissions and environmental indicators have met the requirements. On the other hand, the environmental protection mine manager, who is responsible for relevant management issues, organize regular meetings on environmental protection tasks to analyze and tackle the material environmental issues. Measures, such as disposal management and shrub plantation, are also formulated to reduce the operational risks and impacts.At the same time, to restore the land and strengthen the land stability, the Group will regularly plant story-shrubs in the areas where it operates, consolidating the water storage capacity of the soil. Given that the Group's business operations may damage the soil structure, in order to ensure that the number of surrounding plants are sufficient in maintaining soil stability, the Group has formulated the "Story-Shrub Plantation Policy", securing the effective implementation of relevant measures through a clear internal policy. The roots of plants can grip the deep soil, planting vegetations therefore helpsstrengthen the bearing capacity of land and reduce the environmental impacts.

Addressing Climate Risks Effectively and Expanding Enterprise Development

Nan Nan Resources concerns about the climate change impacts to the business. It specifies relevant climate change policies, identifies industry-related climate risks, and conducts internal discussions and analysis accordingly. Industry-related climate risks are mainly divided into physical and transition risks, which primarily cover the risks brought by extreme weather phenomena and the changing thresholds caused by national policy adjustments and industry development. Based on the inference of industry development, to align with green development and national policy adjustments, the country will gradually raise the industry threshold for coal resource exploitation, including raising the industry's environmental protection requirements and standards, which may lead to increased risks of non-compliance, emissions and compliance costs for coal companies.

The Group is fully aware of the risks and opportunities that related environmental, social and governance risks will bring to its operations. Building the ability to respond, mitigate, and recover from climate change risks is integral to realizing long-term development for enterprises. Therefore, Nan Nan Resources establishes measures and system in accordance with the four aspects: governance, strategy, risk management, metrics and target. Despite of the additional costs in preparing for climate risks, Nan Nan Resources believes that the current efforts will lay a broader development path for the Group's business and prepare for seizing the opportunities brought about by climate change in building a solid foundation for development.

Outlook for a Low-Carbon Future

As a member of the global village, Nan Nan Resources has the responsibility to respond to the international, national and social calls. It hopes to utilize its influenceand jointly invest in the sustainable development of cities, countries and even the world. The Group upholds the concept of "Taken from the Community, Giving Back to Society", and promises to invest the income from business operations in the community to provide better living conditions for the people in the community. Nan Nan Resources strives to explore a sustainable development path for the society and create a better place to live in the future.